Vegan Oatmeal Cookies: Delicious and Vegan

Are you craving a sweet, chewy vegan cookie but are not sure what to make? Are you looking for an option that will leave your taste buds happy without negative effects on your body? Look no further than the classic oatmeal cookie. 

Oatmeal cookies are easy to make vegan, gluten-free, and are full of health benefits. We think it is about time to give the oatmeal cookie a little TLC and make it better than ever. Luckily, this cookie can have a lot of variations, so let's get down to business and talk about all things oatmeal cookies. 


Why Is It Easy to Make Vegan Oatmeal Cookies?

If you are new to vegan baking, oatmeal cookies are a great place to start. With vegan oatmeal cookies, nut butters bring the fat you need, which would traditionally come from butter in a cookie. The rise you would get from an egg is found in the structure of the oats. That means you don’t have to worry about substitutions—it’s the perfect vegan cookie! 


Can Vegan Oatmeal Cookie Be Gluten-Free?

Did you know oats are naturally gluten-free? It’s true! As long as they are pure oats, they are gluten-free. Now, if you have celiac disease, there is a protein in oats that may trigger the same allergic reaction as gluten in a very small number of people. In this case, it is probably best to talk to your doctor if you have any questions.

Are you wondering why some oats have a gluten-free label on the packaging, and some do not? If you do not have a gluten allergy but are trying to stick to a gluten-free diet, regular oats are perfect. If you have a gluten allergy, make sure to look for oats that have gluten-free on the packaging. This label will ensure the oats were not cross-contaminated during processing. 


What Ingredients Are In Oatmeal Cookies?

If you love getting creative in the kitchen, look no further than the oatmeal cookie. Usually, when baking, you have to stick to a pretty strict recipe, but oatmeal cookies have a little more room for creativity. 

There are a lot of recipes out there for vegan oatmeal cookies. You may have your own that you love. Here is a list of some of the ingredients that you can get creative with in most vegan oatmeal cookies and ways you can switch them up. We left out the items you probably have in your pantry, like salt, baking powder, and vanilla. 


Rolled Oats

There are a lot of oats on the market. From steel cut to instant to rolled oats, deciding which one is right for your cookies can be confusing. Traditionally, you will want to use rolled oats. These will give you the texture you want in an oatmeal cookie and are thin enough to cook through in the baking process. Avoid instant oats, because they’ll get a bit too mushy.

If you’re out of rolled oats, but you have steel cut oats in your pantry, you’re in luck. Steel cut oats will give you cookies a smoother texture but will maintain the great taste and chew factor. 



These days, there are flours made out of everything. Each flour brings its own taste and unique texture to the table. When thinking about oatmeal cookies, oat flour is an easy choice. It’s a healthy option and will drive home the oat flavor. 

Another flour choice for your oatmeal cookies is almond flour. Almond flour will bring a sweet, nutty flavor to your cookies. If you like the taste of nuts in your cookies but not the texture, this is a great option for you. This also has the added bonus of adding a bit more protein to your cookies, which is never a bad thing. 


Nut Butter

Many vegan oatmeal cookie recipes call for nut butter. This is an easy way to eliminate butter, and it provides even more taste to the cookie. Peanut butter and almond butter are found in most grocery stores these days and are both delicious options in an oatmeal cookie. 

Nut butter is made by blending nuts and a little water to create a paste-like consistency. Other ingredients can be added like salt, sweeteners, or vanilla extract, but they are not needed. If you love the taste of walnuts and want to try walnut butter in your oatmeal cookies, you can make your own. If you have any left over, dip your apples in it for a delicious, satisfying snack while you wait for your cookies to bake.


Maple Syrup

You need to bring a little sweetness to your cookies. Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to be without flavor. Add our sugar-free maple sugar for sweetness without the spike of sugar, and with a deeper, richer flavor. 


Plant-Based Milk

plant based milk next to oats and nuts

When finding a plant-based milk to use for your vegan oatmeal cookies, you really can use whatever is in your fridge. Soy, almond, coconut, or oat milk will all work great. 

If you realize you don't have any plant-based milk halfway through making your cookies, you can use water. Another alternative is to use a little of your morning coffee for a robust, slight coffee flavor that is a fun surprise. 



There are so many types of oatmeal cookies. You have raisins, craisins, chocolate chips, nuts, or a combination of these options. Whatever you like in your cookies, add it in! We would recommend our peanut butter baking chips, our dark chocolate baking chips, or even a blend of both if you’re feeling a little fancy. The chewy texture of an oatmeal cookie with the melty goodness of peanut butter and chocolate will be simply irresistible.


How to Make the Perfect Vegan Oatmeal Cookie

Start off by preheating your oven to 350 Fahrenheit and lining a cookie sheet with parchment. 

Mix together your dry ingredients—your flour, baking soda, and salt—and set aside. Then, beat your nut butter and sweetener. Add vanilla and combine.  

Slowly add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients, one cup at a time. Make sure to mix as you go to ensure that everything is incorporated, and scrape down the sides of the bowl so you don’t miss any flour. Then stir in your oats and any other ingredients, like raisins or chocolate. Scoop into your chosen shape, and bake for 10-12 minutes! It’s truly that simple. 


Are Oatmeal Cookies a Healthy Option?

Living a healthy lifestyle with no treats is simply a non-negotiable. Our sweet tooth is strong, so we love finding ways to make our favorite treats into healthier options. 

Can an oatmeal cookie take the place of a well-balanced meal? No, but if made with health-forward ingredients, it can make for a filling, satisfying snack that won’t make or break your diet.


More Fiber

Oats are full of a soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has been found to help slow digestion, increase satiety, and suppress appetite. Not only are oats high in fiber, but nuts found in the nut butters or flours used are also a great source of fiber. 


More Protein

Protein is the building block for your body to build and repair muscles and bones and make hormones and enzymes. How great is it that you can eat a cookie and give your body what it needs to be stronger? Oats have higher protein levels than most other grains. Nuts are also a great source of protein, so that nut butter will pack an extra punch.


Supports Metabolic Function

There is nothing worse than enjoying a delicious treat, only to have a sugar crash a couple of minutes later. Not only is it an unpleasant feeling, but it is not good for your body. 

Luckily, when you choose a treat like a vegan oatmeal cookie, you won't feel this same sugar overload, thanks to the fiber found in oats. Beta-glucan, found in oats, may also help curb steep spikes in blood sugar levels. 


Supports a Healthy Heart

Supporting the health of your heart is one of the best ways you can take care of your body. The beta-glucan in oats may help you support healthy cholesterol levels. Healthy cholesterol levels combined with the antioxidants from oats may help support heart health. Nuts are also great for heart health. They may help lower cholesterol and lower inflammation.

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Not only are oatmeal cookies delicious, but they are also easy to make vegan and—bonus—gluten-free. With the versatility of oatmeal cookies, they are good starter cookies when entering the world of vegan baking. Getting creative with the ingredients will give you a different taste profile for your cookies. 

If you want an easy, vegan treat full of healthy benefits, look no further than the not-so-classic oatmeal cookie. Your taste buds will be doing a little happy dance, and your body will be reaping the benefits. 

At MiiRO, we don't think you have to eliminate all sweet treats when eating a healthy, vegan diet. Quite the opposite, actually. Our products are wholesome and delicious and will take your oatmeal cookies to the next level.



Are Oats Gluten-Free? |

Oats | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Oat beta-glucan reduces blood cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic subjects | PubMed (

The BEST Vegan Oatmeal Cookies Recipe | Simply Whisked 

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